Understandable information

Your healthcare provider must provide good information about your condition and treatment. You may record the consultation with your doctor. Then you can review the important information. There are rules, however For example, you may not distribute the recording. It is for personal use only.

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What information should a doctor provide? ➜

A doctor needs your permission for medical treatment. Therefore, your doctor must inform you clearly for you to make an informed decision. Your doctor should tell you, for example: what the problem is according to him…

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Shared decisions ➜

The relationship between the patient and the doctor has changed in recent years: from a unilateral information obligation to increasingly shared decision making. A doctor will only be able to inform you if he understands what…

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Right to No information ➜

You may not always want to hear all the details about your condition. You can then decline to get certain information. Your doctor should respect this right ‘not to know’. Does your refusal threaten you or…

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Rights of children and parents ➜

Whether children themselves may decide on treatment depends on their age: Children under 12 years of age may not decide for themselves about medical examination or treatment. This is up to their parents or caregivers. The…