
Mental challenges: How hard is it away from home?

Mental challenges: How hard is it away from home?
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Feeling sad, lonely or ashamed

Moving to a new country for studies, a new job or as family member, is exciting! However, adjusting to a foreign language and a different culture takes longer, and is more wearing than some anticipate. This can leave you feeling isolated, sad, and lonely. It can even lead to anxiety and depression.
We at Healthcare for internationals hear stories of internationals that feel insecure, are sometimes ashamed of their feelings, and are afraid to discuss them even with friends and family.

Survey on mental health in The Netherlands

We decided to research experiences that internationals have (or have had) with these challenges. More particularly we want to learn to what extent internationals have been able to cope with these issues and if they found adequate support in The Netherlands. The outcome of this research will help (mental) healthcare providers to improve their support to internationals.

Please participate in a short anonymous survey, even if you haven’t experienced any mental challenges. It will take about 5-10 minutes of your time.

Go to survey.

Thank you for your participation.

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