This week, at ‘Prinsjesdag’ the Dutch government presented the 2021 budget. Insurance premiums are expected to increase about 5 € per month. Covid-19 is having less impact than feared. This is because a lot of regular care has been postponed. We may see the impact of that in 2022, however. Health insurance providers will announce their 2021 premium by mid November at te latest.
Excess remains at 385€
The mandatory level of ‘Eigen Risico’ (deductible) remains at 385€. If you are entitled to receive a healthcare benefit, you may expect an increase that covers the rise in premium.
It is expected that the income-related contribution for the health insurance act (Inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage Zorgverzekeringswet - ZVW) will also rise in 2021. Employers deduct this contribution from your income. Self-employed people pay a levy themselves.

Supplementary health insurance likely less attractive
It is expected that insurers will again cut back on the supplementary health insurance (“aanvullende zorgverzekering”).
Most people only take out a supplementary policy if they get more out of it in terms of reimbursement than they pay in premium. This is of course a loss for health insurers, which drives them to reduce coverage or increase premium of these policies.
Health insurance newsletter
A full overview of changes will be provided in our November Health insurance newsletter. It will also detail what options you have to manage your healthcare cost in 2021. Sign up to receive this newsletter.
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