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Summary IAG healthcare survey

When the International Advisory Group* (IAG) of H4i started, we, the members of the IAG, agreed to first survey the international community and see where things were standing after the 2016 H4i survey. Starting at the end of 2019 and running for a year, this new survey was aimed at investigating how internationals living in the Netherlands were experiencing Dutch Healthcare. The multicultural group that forms the IAG managed to make the survey available in 10 different languages.

Healthcare for internationals should improve

Most of the survey participants have been living in the Netherlands for more than three years and the female population is over-represented. About 70% of the participants are between 25 and 44 years old and 76,4% respond they are intending to live in the Netherlands for more than five years or permanently.

As in 2016, the survey shows that the Dutch Healthcare System should most urgently improve. These three areas of improvement were selected by 60% of the participants :

  • A feeling of trust and confidence in the GP and the treatment approach to be taken.
  • A GP that offers a specific action plan when I am at his/her office.
  • A smoother way to get a specialist doctor referral.

On the other side, participants generally found doctors and personnel at medical facilities friendly and willing to communicate in English when needed.

We therefore conclude that, at least for English speaking internationals, language is not a big issue.

The full report will be made available at a later date.

Time does not heal…

Contrary to our initial line of thought, we found that the longer participants have stayed in the Netherlands, the less they trust their GP. Adaptation to culture does not seem to lead to more satisfaction with Dutch healthcare.

Overall, the survey showed a negative relationship between the time spent in The Netherlands and the sense of confidence in the Dutch Medical System.

Help us improve Dutch healthcare

Regionally we are working with H4i healthcare providers to review their services that are expected to receive better ratings by internationals. Share with us your ideas about how to better reach, connect and interact with you and the international community at

You can join us in the regions of Amsterdam, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Groningen, Rotterdam, and Utrecht as Regional Representative, Task Force Member and/or Focus Group Member

For more info about the volunteering roles we have open for internationals go here.

* the International Advisory Group is facilitated by H4i, but operates independently from H4i and its members.

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