Healthcare Providers will charge you for their services based on regulated or negotiated tariffs. In many cases these will be settled directly with your health insurer.
If you have a low income and/or very high Healthcare cost you may be eligible for a Healthcare Benefit or Tax Deductible.
How cost are determined ➜
Depending on the type of care, Healthcare Providers will charge your Health Insurance Provider for costs that are based on: Fixed maximum tariffs Fixed maximum tariffs, regulated by the Dutch Health Authority. These tariffs are mostly…
How costs are settled ➜
Cost of Curative Healthcare services, medication or medical aids that you receive are in most cases (depending on the type of policy you have) directly settled between your Healthcare Provider and Health Insurer. Your (Dutch) Health…
Healthcare benefit and Tax deductable ➜
You may apply for a Healthcare Benefit (Zorgtoeslag) where every month, you receive an amount of money that helps you to pay for some of your Healthcare costs.