If it is not clear if you have the legal obligation to have a Basic Dutch Health Insurance policy, you may check if you are insured under the Long-term Care Act (WLZ – Wet Langdurige Zorg). If this is the case, you are required to have a Dutch Health Insurance Policy. You can check this information to see if you are covered by Dutch Social Security (including the Long-Term Care act) and therefore need -or not- to hold a Dutch Basic Health Insurance. If you are still not sure which rule or exception applies to you, you can apply at the Sociale Verzekeringsbank for an assessment of your insurance position under the Long-Term-Care Act.
You may also contact the Zorgverzekeringslijn (information about Dutch Health Insurance for international newcomers).
If any exceptions apply to you, you can, or will have to arrange for Private Health Insurance, as you likely will not be eligible for Dutch Basic Health Insurance.