What does the International Advisory group of H4i stand for?
The international advisory group (IAG) of H4i intends to better represent the International Community across The Netherlands. It aims to promote and foster an open, updated, and clear communication channel between Internationals and the Healthcare providers constituting the H4i Network. The ultimate goal of the Board is to make sure the needs and expectations of Internationals are heard, and met to the best possible extent.
What would be expected from you as a Member of the H4i IAG?
As a member of the International Board of H4i, you declare yourself to be interested in improving the services available for Internationals at any level of HealthCare.
You would, amongst other things, provide clear, updated, and relevant feedback that truly represents the interests and needs of the International Community of the region you live in.
You would be willing to engage in a constructive and positive dialogue with healthcare providers to help them understand the needs of the international community in your region.
It would also be expected that you -and the network of internationals you’d represent- occasionally participate in and/or support any other activity involving H4i and/or its International Board to the best of your ability and availability (e.g. events, meetings, focus groups, etc.).
How much time would you have to invest as an IAG Member?
This aspect is only a friendly estimation because it mostly depends on the specific roles and activities you take upon you in your region. We suggest you to consider about 8-16 hrs per month in which you probably -among some other small, but yet related activities- would have to establish contact with your regional network in order to better represent all of them at the meetings with the Board (that take place every 2-3 months) and with the H4i Network (twice a year).