
Newsletter Summer 2019

Newsletter Summer 2019

Kühler & Trooster International clinic for mental health joins H4i.

Kühler & Trooster provides comprehensive mental health care. Their team of psychiatrists and psychologists takes pride in developing tailor made mental health plans for its clients. Many of the practitioners have an international background and treatment can be provided in English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Dutch. Kühler & Trooster has practices in The Hague & Amsterdam.

They work with other members of H4i to improve the accessibility of mental healthcare to internationals, who face, as recent research has shown, a range of mental challenges, that result from or are exacerbated by moving to another country. Read more about Kühler & Trooster 

Boerrigter Fysiotherapy becomes H4i member

Boerrigter Physiotherapy joined the H4i network in May 2019. The practice is ideally located in the heart of Eindhoven. Treatments are tailored to the individual’s needs and evidence-based principles are used to ensure quality and efficacy. Its international team is always willing to answer questions and help by giving personal attention. Internationals feel welcome and comfortable in the practice and are always most welcome. For more information go to (English version under development).

Undutchables supports H4i

Work and health are closely linked. Working too hard can be unhealthy. Not finding a job when you are looking for one can equally be stressful. Undutchables matches multilingual talent with jobs fit for them in the Netherlands. As the pioneer in international recruitment, Undutchables Recruitment Agency was founded to solve the problem internationals face when settling in the Netherlands, which is finding a job.

Undutchables and H4i will regularly post joint articles on work and health related topics, such as this recent post on a healthy work-life balance. Read more about Undutchables.

SGE runs pilot health check

SGE international Eindhoven recently piloted a health check with internationals. A preparatory questionnaire and blood test were followed by consultations with a GP, dietician, physical therapist and life-coach. Participants received feedback and specific advice where required.

When surveyed afterwards, participants gave very positive feedback on the health check. They would like to see this kind of health check offered on a regular basis and would be willing to pay a reasonable fee for this ‘checkup’ which is not covered by Dutch health insurance. With the survey results and feedback of the professionals, SGE is further evaluating the health check.

More than 30 practices H4i Qualified

Recently 13 GP practices of CHAGZ Amsterdam were awarded the predicate H4i Qualified practice.

GP de Boer (l) of GP Practice Sarphatipark receives the H4i predicate from Dirk Jan Frijling of H4i

Together with SGE internationals Eindhoven and the 17 health centers of SAG Amsterdam, 31 centers and practices now meet the criteria set forward by Healthcare for internationals (H4i) for better meeting the needs and expectations of internationals:

  • Professionals at this practice take the time to get acquainted with their international patients and help them find their way in Dutch healthcare
  • Professionals of this practice completed a special training program.
  • Professionals of this practice are proficient in English.
  • Information provided by this practice is made available in English.
  • This practice welcomes suggestions and feedback from its international patients.
  • This practice participates every 2 years in a H4i survey amongst international patients and uses its results to further improve its services

GP practices in Utrecht and Rotterdam are expected to follow soon.

Read more about H4i Qualified practices.

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