
Need help? Call!

Need help? Call!
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Since a few weeks, we are in the middle of the outbreak of the coronavirus  (COVID-19). The news about the pandemic dominates the headlines. Recently all Dutch schools, kindergartens, restaurants, sports clubs were ordered to be closed as the government sought the best ways to prevent the further spread of coronavirus in the Netherlands. Wide range of measures have been taken to tackle the pandemic of coronavirus.

Your mental well-being

It is a very uncommon and extraordinary situation that may be very stressful especially for internationals. Fear and anxiety about a disease, a lot of ambiguity and uncertainty, rapidly changing and different (often contradictory) information coming from all over the world, can be overwhelming and cause a lot of negative thoughts and strong emotions in adults and children.

Therefore, in order to better cope with the virus and the uncertainty it’s creating we should take care not only of our physical health and immunity but also of our mental well-being.

Help is available, free of charge

There is a lot you you can do yourself, or with family and friends that are close by, to take care of your mental health and well-being during these stressful times. Read for instance this excellent article by Sandra Gustek. If, however, you really need to talk to someone, please know that help is available. Free of charge. See below what resources are available to you.

Corona Support Resources

If you feel you need help, keep in mind that you are not alone! Reach out!

These mental healthcare professionals are ready to listen and help you overcome your stress, anxiety or gloom. Free of charge.

U-Center: Call 0800 - 222 444 6 (weekdays from 9 - 20 hrs)
U- Center is an expert in treating anxiety, depression, substance abuse and trauma.

PEP-International: has established an SOS-call back service.

Psychologenhulp: a collective of psychologists that offer free of charge help during the corona crisis
Mail to if you need help. Go to if you want to join as a volunteer.

International Peer Support Network Eindhoven: read this post for details
7 mental health professionals with different nationalities are ready to help you.

Online support group Expat-wellbeing: daily check-ins.

iPractice Amsterdam: Call 020-2444888

If you are a mental health professional and want to join this free support initiative, please send an email to

Helpline: If your anxiety is causing suicidal thoughts, you can also call 0900 – 0113, a 24/7 anonymous helpline.

Domestic violence: If you want to report or discuss domestic violence, call this 24/7 helpline 0800-2000.
In case of immediate danger call 112.

General information about Covid-19


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