New brochure released
H4i released a brochure that helps internationals navigate Dutch healthcare and the health insurance system. It’s 6 pages cover topics like the GP, giving birth, mental and preventive healthcare. It also provides a checklist of what to do upon arrival to arrange for healthcare. How easy to have all the basics together in this brochure.
Information need
Many expats and other internationals not only feel uncomfortable in Dutch healthcare, they also find themselves poorly informed about the system. Recent research (April 2018) by the International Community Advisory Panel shows that confusion and lack of understanding persists when it comes to healthcare in The Netherlands. Only 33.5% feel well-informed or relatively well-informed about the health insurance system; more than 60% find themĀselves not informed, or insufficiently informed about the healthcare system.
A printed version will be available at various locations throughout The Netherlands, for instance at expat centers, city offices and healthcare providers. You’ll find an online version at our information site.
The brochure was developed together with a H4i GP. The printing was funded by the City of Amsterdam.