
Maternity leave and more…

Maternity leave and more…

If you have a baby in the Netherlands, while employed, you are entitled to maternity leave (zwangerschapsverlof). An expecting mother is entitled to 16-weeks minimum paid maternity leave that must start within 4-6 weeks before her due date. Make sure to tell your employer when you expect to have your maternity leave.

Partner leave

Also your partner can take a number of (paid) days off within 4 weeks after the child is born (geboorteverlof). The number of days is equal to the number of days per working week that your partner is employed.

But there is more: as of July 1st 2020 there will be the option of 5 weeks additional partner leave against 70% of pay, though a maximum pay applies.

Paid maternity leave

During maternity leave, you are entitled to 100 percent of your earnings. It will be paid out by your employer or the UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemers Verzekeringen – website in Dutch only).

As a self-employed mother, you are equally entitled to leave paid by the UWV, but the amount depends on the hours you have worked in the last 12 months. Apply for this no later than 2 weeks before the start of your maternity leave at the UWV.

Parenting leave

Parents are also allowed to take increments of unpaid parenting leave (‘ouderschapsverlof’) totaling six months, until a child is 8 years old. As part of this, fathers are increasingly taking one day a week off for child care, known as “Daddy day” (‘Papadag’).

This content is offered in cooperation with Undutchables.

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