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International Board up and running

Lots of things have been happening in and around Healthcare both in the area of services and service providers.  For example, you’re probably already aware that changes are to come with regard to health insurance.

Being internationals ourselves we are quite aware of the challenges and possible restrictions that may surface when first trying to settle into a new country. That’s the main reason why we’re working hard on getting to the most fundamental needs of the international community when it comes to Healthcare.

The International Board of H4i has been working non-stop since January 2019 on putting together a strong team to make sure things really get done in the different regions represented.  We aim to create strong, clear channels of continuous communication between the international community and the healthcare providers to help ‘close the gap’.

If you’d like to know more about who we are and what we’ve done so far, take a look at our web space -in the “About Us” section- within H4i’s website.  Let us know what you’d like to support us with and don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re interested in joining the board!

We’re currently on the lookout for people willing to volunteer in Groningen, Den Haag and Rotterdam to partner with our representatives there.

Here’s a preview of what’s ahead for the Board:

●        Create and nurture focus groups across the country to make sure we always have updated and reliable feedback from the international community with regard to healthcare services.

●        A second launch of our survey in 10 different languages aiming to reach anyone living in The Netherlands with a non-Dutch passport.

●        Assist H4i in scouting regions towards for more board members and therefore, promoting a movement of change from within the system

We’d be happy to hear from you too!  Let us know what you’d like to see us doing to ease the transition of moving not only into this country, but also into the Dutch healthcare system by sending an email to

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