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Have you already taken out Dutch health insurance?
If you are required to take out Dutch health insurance, you have 4 months to do so, but you will need to pay your premiums from the day you arrived in the Netherland. Read if Dutch health insurance is mandatory for you.
Only in specific cases you are not required to take out Dutch basic health insurance (Basisverzekering), for instance if you are a student (and don't do paid work) or if you work for an international organization. Read about the exceptions and whether they apply to you.In these situations you still need health insurance such student health insurance or an international health insurance.
Have you already registered with a GP (huisarts)?
Good to hear you are healthy. There may be a time that you are in need of a doctor. Therefor it is strongly recommended to register with a GP as soon as you are settled. Ask for a consultation to get to know your GP, especially if there are any pre-existing conditions or a family history that can be relevant.
In some cities it may be hard to find a GP. Find out here how to locateĀ a GP (huisarts). We hope you find one soon.
Thank you for asking ! The GP or huisarts is your key to Dutch healthcare and first port of call for most medical complaints or questions. Read more about the GP and how (s)he will help you find your way in Dutch healthcare.
Your child is developing a fever and you want to consult a doctor. What do you do?
You can only visit a medical specialist with a referral from your GP (huisarts). Read what to do in case of a life-threatening emergency.
You can only go to the Spoedeisende Hulp (SEH) in case of a life-threatening emergency, but always call first: 112. Your nearest hospital may not have a SEH or capacity for the specific emergency. Read more.
Fair point! But what would you advise an international parent to do in this case?
You and your partner are expecting a baby. How do you arrange support during pregnancy and delivery?
That is fine. You can go directly to a midwife (verloskundige), however. You don't need a referral. Read all aboutĀ pregnancy and giving birth in the Netherlands.
Make sure you read about Dutch youth healthcare and immunization programs for your child, once it has arrived in the Netherlands.
Since your arrival in the Netherlands you feel very depressed. What to do?
The GP has specialized mental health professionals that should be able to help you. This is fully covered by Dutch health insurance (a deductible may apply).
Please check if your health insurance covers mental healthcare without a referral from your GP and if this professional has a contract with your health insurer. Read more.
This is perfectly okay, if this works for you. Dutch health insurance will in most cases not refund you for support by a foreign psychologist, however. Learn how to locate a mental healthcare professional in the Netherlands.
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